More communities are asking their local city councils to adopt a letter to send to the Illinois General Assembly regarding our rent increase issues. City councils can ask the General Assembly to protect home owners from unjustified fees and exorbitant rent increases now being charged.
There is now a community in Elgin where home owners pay $910 a month in lot rent alone. How can they afford it? They can’t. If you believe your rent will never get that high, then you should know, neither did they. Our rents increase each year without receiving the services promised in our leases. It is also common to have many of the services that were originally included in our rents charged as separate fees. As more ma and pa communities are bought by large development companies and corporations, these new owners are taking advantage of our rent-related laws.
If you want help approaching your city council about writing a resolution to request protection from the General Assembly, please contact us. The more backing we get from local government, now, the easier and faster it will be to deal with this issue on a state level.
Yes, we need justifiable increases so landlords can maintain the community, but home owners are now demanding the services that were promised and are required by law.
MHO Day is our chance to have our state officials learn about us and our concerns. If we do not attend in full force, and demand our state legislators address our issues, then nothing will be done to protect you and your neighbors. Our communities and our homeowners are forced to turn to Section 8, federal rent assistance, just to pay their lot rent in an attempt to keep their home. Don’t let this happen to your community, or to you. The State of Florida has a law that requires a review of rent increases where landlords must justify the increase. If Illinois is going to keep up with basic levels of fair housing through these types of laws, then you must stand with us now.