Mike Deckleman of the Gateway Community in Frankfort, dropped off an article from the USATODAY April 12th titled: Location, Location: Developers snatch up trailer parks. Residents lose land in projects.
by Charisse Jones.
Here is the article:
Today we are waiting for the Governor to sign a BILL that involves LEASES ~(HB5377)
There is No current law in ILLINOIS to OFFER first right of refusal ..
We are concerned about the improper use of the word BLIGHT in the Eminent Domain Bill.
The Fire Safety Bill (HB4342) was driven back to RULES by powerful landlord forces in Springfield.
There is much work to be done by MHOAI and it’s continuing members –
Terry Nelson and her BOARD need everyone in your communities to understand that changes in LAW do not come from the goodness of our legislators –it comes from YOU demanding protection for our choice in homeownership.
Legislators have many political forces pressuring them to often vote against our communities, however it’s your VOTE and more important, it’s your VOICE that counters this pressure.
Taking a passive role (someone else can do it) falls into the hands of our opponents.
Please pick up the phone and ask our Governor to sign HB5377–Contact your legislator and demand HB4342 be put back on the floor!
Phil Schelinski
Director MHOAI