April 24th MHO Day at the state capitol.
- Media Headlines: Landlord Sell Homes Used as Meth Labs – Fox Point vs. City of Wheeling
- 50 families receive a notice on their door to have their home removed in 5 days by the City of Wheeling. A summer of media and protesting becomes a common occurrence. Hearings and lawsuits in City, County and Federal courts begin. Homeowners realize they will have at the least, a 2 year battle allowing the community to stay open.
- SB 2101 is signed into law. Homeowners residing in central Illinois were being sold pre-owned homes that were used as a Meth Lab leading to health issues from the sale of unhealthy homes. SB 2101 stops this practice.
- Legislation towards a Manufactured Home Owners Relocation Trust Fund does not make it through the full process of becoming a law.
- MHOAI’s 7th annual fundraiser reaches the $10,000 goal.